Monday, December 10, 2012

The Social Network

It's that awkward moment when you go to your high school reunion and see the guy that sat behind you in senior English class. Small talk is exchanged: "Hey, how's life treated you since high school?" But you both know the small talk is unnecessary. Why? Because you checked his Facebook a week ago and since then, he has taken the world's best nap, gotten down on Friday, and been completely humiliated by his favorite sports team. Small talk is obsolete.

It's not just all of your old high school classmates getting socially networked; small and large companies alike are jumping onto the bandwagon. And why not? Think about the days when companies had to print out thousands of letters or advertisements to announce a new product. A waste of time, a waste of resources, and let's be honest, you didn't really care to get that extra junk in the mail. This is a huge advantage for businesses.

Cisco was recently given the title 'Most Engaging Brand on Twitter'. They routinely announce things on their account (@CiscoSystems) such as webcasts and news articles that benefit their clients. Cisco has begun using cloud computing, and they routinely post links to articles referencing what this means for the company. Juniper (@JuniperNetworks) has coined the hashtag 'geek of the week', which links you to Facebook where users can read an excerpt about people such as Robert Metcalfe.

Some people will argue that one social networking outlet is better than the other, but the truth is both Juniper and Cisco tend to use both equally. Since Twitter has a one hundred and forty character limit, they tend to use the services of or to shorten links that lead to Facebook. Facebook pages can contain more content than Twitter, such as support pages and areas where users can post questions or raves.

Now, it's that non-awkward moment when you go to your high school reunion and see the guy who sat behind you in senior English. There will be small talk, yes, but now you can check Twitter and let him know that your favorite company just announced a seminar you would love to attend, and you can't talk because you'll be too busy RSVPing via the link they provided. Sure, he will probably think that you have gone a bit crazy since high school, but you will know the truth; you are on the cutting edge of networking, and knowledge is literally just a click away.

Create Your Facebook Business Page With 5 Easy Suggestions   The Role of Social Networking in Marketing   Avoiding Twitter Marketing Mistakes   Modified Humans with High Tech Components Will Soon Thought Swap in Social Networks   Why Are Social Networks So Addictive? The Secrets Behind the Addictive Nature of Social Networks   


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